My Baby is 2: An open Letter to My son.

My Sweet little boy:

I’m not really sure where the time went, but here you are now two years old. It’s like I blinked and you went from this little newborn baby boy to scaling the walls of our house! Everyday you get stronger, smarter and sweeter.

The strangest concept that I’ve yet to wrap my mind around is the fact that you won’t remember these years. How strange. I sit with this thought pretty frequently. And what that makes me realize and believe is that these years, they’re for me and for daddy. To bring us more smiles, more love and more joy everyday.

The way you run to me in the morning when you first wake up with a big smile on your face, the way you take my hand and bring me to play, the way you lay against me as you fall asleep, the way you splash in the tub and laugh out loud. You have such a joyful spirit and I’m truly grateful for the moments you light up. Because that instantly lights us up inside.

As you may imagine not every single moment is a picnic in the park, ha. But such is life. In fact, two seems to present a whole host of random tantrums, clear stubbornness, and a strong willed independent spirit of your own. And while this can definitely make for some tough moments, when I think about it, I also love you for it. Because to me, even at such a small age, it shows that you will be so strong and capable when you’re grown.

Until you have a baby, you won’t fully understand what kind of joy and challenges are brought to your everyday life. Watching and caring for your sweet teeny tiny little baby each day is truly the greatest blessing. And at the end of the day the truth is, I only hope that you will always love me as I love you.

It is an honor and privilege to watch you grow each day. Stay sweet baby boy.

Love you always, love you more,
Mommy xo

  1. Ashley Greer says:

    This is absolutely beautiful. We try to hang on to every single second. They grow up so quickly. We are so blessed to have sweet precious kiddos.

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