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How to edit light and airy. Woo hoo, here we are guys! Can you believe it? Yes this is number five in this series and you have finally arrived! So, you wanna create images with those dreamy light and airy tones and you’re on the struggle bus? I’ve been there and I’ve got you covered […]
Hey guys! Back with up level your images: shoot for your style. This is part 4 of the editing series! Last week we chatted about finding your style, this is a necessary step before shooting for your style! So def head back there before diving into this step! If you’ve hung around from step one you already know this […]
Uplevel your images, part 3! This week I’m gonna chat all about, finding your style. This piece of the editing puzzle is SO important you guys! Why is determining your style so important to editing? Because before you actually begin to edit, you need to know what your end game is. It’s easy to slap […]